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Optimum Nutrition Will Improve Your Overall Health In Less Than 30 Days

Optimum nutrition is considered to be a revolution in health care. When you fuel your body with optimum nutrition, you are giving yourself the best possible intake of nutrients to enable your body to function and be as healthy as possible. The nutrition is what helps your body perform all sorts of basic functions…detoxification, strengthens your immune system, provides natural antioxidants, and provides digestive enzymes…to name a few.

Preventing or reversing disease-states is but one more function of optimum nutrition. Science is showing us every day that nutritional deficiency is contributing largely, if not actually causing, illness and disease in our bodies. But optimum nutrition is about more than just keeping disease and illness at bay. It is about living optimally, where we have room to stretch our physical, mental, and spiritual “muscles” to the full, without overstepping the threshold at which cellular health in any of the systems of the body becomes threatened.

Your nutritional goal should be to give yourself the best possible intake of nutrients to enable your body to function and be as healthy as possible. Optimum nutrition consists of eating the right amounts of nutrients on a proper schedule to achieve the best performance and the longest possible lifetime in good health. When you are providing the proper balance of nutrients to your body, your daily diet will consist of the right quantities of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber to maintain a healthy body and to sustain the desired level of activity for the best quality of life.

Apart from being essential to general good health, optimum nutrition is so fundamental and powerful that it can speed healing and improve weight, energy, immune functions, sleep, mental acuity, feelings, attitude and just about any aspect of your being. It is a state of profound physical, mental and emotional well-being. Optimum nutrition is within all of our grasps; it starts with a commitment to a lifestyle.


Health is not merely the absence of pain or tension, but it is a joy in living; a real appreciation of what it is to have a healthy body with which to experience the many pleasures of this world. While it may sound simple…this isn’t an easy task.

Because of the nature of processed food and depleted soils, most nutritional experts believe that the current diet provides enough vitamins and minerals for survival, but not for optimal health. Minimizing the intake of processed foods is essential for restoring your digestive health.

Many health benefits are due to another group of health-promoting nutrients called phytochemicals, which are found in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Now, that’s coming back to the basics. Yet many people continue to be surprised that something as simple as coming back to basic nutrition, balancing your diet, and keeping healthy can go a long way to relieving daily aggravations such as skin problems, slowing down signs of aging, and keeping you looking better year after year.


So, the fact is that food is not only vital fuel, but also fundamental “medicine”…and it is vital that we pay attention to the quality and quantity of fuel that we feed our bodies. Optimum nutrition helps the body to cleanse and repair itself, restore energy levels, rebalance hormones, the blood sugar level, brain chemicals, and generally improve one’s quality of life. The quality and balance of our food intake is therefore a key factor in determining our overall health.

In whole foods, you will find the greatest concentration of quality nutrition per calorie of intake. Research has shown that optimum nutrition is achieved through the eating of a variety of natural foods that are packed with vitamins and minerals. It is about finding the foods and nutrients that will help you achieve better health and vitality, and avoiding those that may not suit you. Once optimum nutrition is in place, you can look forward to a consistent high level of energy, emotional balance, alertness, physical fitness, resilience against infectious diseases, and longevity.


In short, optimum nutrition is about providing the body cells and tissues with the vitamins and minerals they require to function to their best ability. I am now completely convinced that the concept of optimum nutrition is the greatest step forward in “medicine” for over a century, no less important than Louis Pasteur’s discovery of disease-causing germs or the discovery of genes. If this lifestyle of optimum nutrition is applied from an early age, it is likely to be your best guarantee for a long and healthy life.

You should, of course, consult with your health care professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program. The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your health care provider. Just make sure that you do your own health research as well…it will be a learning experience for which your body will thank you with improved health if you diligently fuel it with optimum nutrition on a daily basis.

Art Education for Children With Learning Disabilities

There are a large number of students who have difficulty learning material using traditional teaching methods. Learning disabilities vary from mild forms such as attention deficit disorder to more severe disabilities like autism and mental retardation. Incorporating art into the curriculum of students with learning disabilities can be a useful tool. Students with disabilities are not students who are incapable of learning but instead are students who may need material presented to them using alternative methods. Methods that incorporate art can be very successful for these children.Many students with disabilities are separated from regular students for either part of all of the school day. These students spend a great deal of time focusing on remedial skills and learning new skills to help them catch up with the rest of the class. For students with learning disabilities the knowledge that they are not able to function at the same level as other students can be very discouraging. Introducing these students to art classes can offer them the opportunity to do something creative where success is not measured by the same standards as in regular academics. The feeling of succeeding at something can provide these students with self-worth and confidence that can carry over into other areas of study. Allowing children to be involved with art related activities also encourages creativity, problem solving skills, motor skills and other skills that are useful in all areas of academics like math, science and language.Art lessons can be combined with traditional lessons and used as a teaching tool for these students. Children that have difficulty with verbal expression will often have more success by expressing themselves through art. Practicing expression through art may translate to better overall communication skills. Teaching math and science lessons that are hands on art based lessons also tend to hold a student’s interest more than traditional lecture lessons. Sometimes just holding a student’s attention is half the battle especially for students with attention deficit disorder. Activities that encourage drawing and painting can help students learn about shapes, contrast and spatial relationships. Teachers can implement lessons that use these art activities to teach basic math skills like geometry and various other math techniques. Another interesting way to teach history involves having students create plays that focus on historical events. This method can help students internalize the material as oppose to just memorizing facts from a textbook.Teachers are often allowed to use alternative methods to assess a students skill set in a certain area when teaching a student with disabilities. Allowing students to create art projects that reflect their understanding of a concept can be a useful alternative to a traditional test. Allowing students to express creativity and learn about concepts using alternative methods is essential to development for those students who struggle in traditional settings. There are a multitude of resources available for educators who want to implement these techniques in the classroom. These methods can be useful for both students who are learning disabled and regular students. Implementation of these methods may help enable students with disabilities spend more time in a general education setting which is beneficial to their overall education. The benefits of education through art are numerous and should be implemented in the classroom whenever possible.

Test Video Games at Home and Get Paid! 3 Steps to Success As a Video Game Tester

Does getting paid to test video games at home sound too good to be true? Well it’s not. The companies that develop the games pay experienced game players to test their games. If becoming a video game tester sounds like a dream come true then read on.First off you can’t just approach the big name companies and expect to be hired. Your best bet is to get your feet wet with the smaller, less well known companies. You most likely can start out at about $15 per hour and move up in salary as you gain more experience.Steps to success:1. Passion for gaming. Having a genuine passion for gaming will help you be more successful. Playing for hours at a time whether or not you particularly like a certain game can get old otherwise. Whether or not your job gets stale and boring after awhile depends on how much you like to play.2. Attention to detail.Game developers will want you to answer a lot of questions about their games. Keeping notes as you play is essential. They need to know how to tweak their games and if there are any errors or glitches. You will be saving the game developers a ton of money by finding the bugs in the games before they are released.3. Dependability.You will be expected to turn in your notes on time and answer all the questions correctly. As you prove that you are a reliable tester you will be given more assignments and more money. Just like any other job, the better you do and prove yourself the more the company will trust you to do.Companies will want to know what type of games you’ve played and how experienced a game player you are over all. Don’t be afraid to let your passion for gaming show through!Just think – now you have an excuse to sit home all day playing video games and your significant other or parent can’t complain. You can be the envy of all your friends as you test video games at home.